Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Chart

A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five.

An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.

Most ordinal numbers end in "th" except for:


Cardinal   Ordinal
1One   1stFirst
2Two   2ndSecond
3Three   3rdThird
4Four   4thFourth
5Five   5thFifth
6Six   6thSixth
7Seven   7thSeventh
8Eight   8thEighth
9Nine   9thNinth
10Ten   10thTenth
11Eleven   11thEleventh
12Twelve   12thTwelfth
13Thirteen   13thThirteenth
14Fourteen   14thFourteenth
15Fifteen   15thFifteenth
16Sixteen   16thSixteenth
17Seventeen   17thSeventeenth
18Eighteen   18thEighteenth
19Nineteen   19thNineteenth
20Twenty   20thTwentieth
21Twenty one   21stTwenty-first
22Twenty two   22ndTwenty-second
23Twenty three   23rdTwenty-third
24Twenty four   24thTwenty-fourth
25Twenty five   25thTwenty-fifth
30Thirty   30th Thirtieth
31Thirty one   31stThirty-first
32 Thirty two   32nd Thirty-second
33 Thirty three   33rd Thirty-third
34 Thirty four   34th Thirty-fourth
40Forty   40thFortieth
50Fifty   50thFiftieth
60Sixty   60thSixtieth
70Seventy   70thSeventieth
80Eighty   80thEightieth
90Ninety   90thNinetieth
100One hundred   100thHundredth
1000One thousand   1000thThousandth